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... maps & plans ...

... from the National Geographic Magazine Atlas ...

... a road map ... ± 1995

... aerial view of the Camp ...

... estimation of the size & proportions of the Compound as drawn by Father Verhoeven -
also a prisoner of the Japanese ...

... the same plan with the street names and pathways ...

... superposition with the correct orientation ...

... from a book about Weihsien ...

... Father Verhoeven's original sketch ...

Mr. Pander Sr. also sketched a map ...

... this one was sketched by Christian de Saint Hubert ...

... by Meredith and Christine Helsby ...

Another map of the Camp:

Japanese watchtowers:
... added one watchtower between blocks 5 and 4.
Not mentioned or omitted in Father Verhoeven's original map of the camp.

Pits & Cess Pools:
I remember the cess pools in the "Market Square Park" which were in front of where we lived: Block 22. Looking at Block-23, the ladies' WC were on the left and the men's WC on the right. Also, the extra "cess pool" was dug near the men's WC in 1944. Cesspool Kelley must have fallen into one of those pools!

Blocks 23, 24 and 35 were for the Sisters, the single women and the young girls.

The little construction between blocs 30 and 31 was requisitioned by the Japanese guards. Disrespectful prisoners were usually "disciplined" in there!

Block-26 was occupied by the Japanese guards. It was their "office".

The basement contained four classrooms.
The building was two stories high and contained the ladies' dormitory as well as the "White Elephant Exchange" bureau.

The basement was "Kitchen III."
The upperfloor was used as: 1) a music hall, (Saturday dances) ... 2) classrooms, ... 3) living room etc. ...

Block 25A: was out of bounds for us. It must have been used as a kitchen store.

Block-6: was called the "Peabody Building" and was directly adjacent to the Sports Field.

Block-61-The Shaddyside Hospital: was - of course - a Hospital. It was a three-storey building with a basement. Above, were the men's rooms and dormitories. I remember that the kindergarten schoolroom was on the ground floor. The diet kitchen was in the basement.

Blocks-57 and 50: were two-storey buildings.

Block-56: was the priests' shack ... also a two-storey building.