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Letter to Weihsien Camp from Commander Wang Shang chih dated 4 May, 1944

Beleagured British and Americans

Greetings to all.

The dwarf islanders, who as brigands and robbers have upset the order of the world, and whose brutality my countrymen have first felt, as war and calamity spread widely and human sacrifice became cruel beyond any comparison in human history, without taking account of virtue and measuring their strength, dared to make enemies of your countries, so that you have met with great misfortune, and have been robbed of your livelihood and happiness.

We can well imagine that your life in Hades must reach the limit of inhuman cruelty. As I write this, I tear the roots of my hair. The Allies are now in the Pacific, in South East Asia and on the mainland of China, where they have attacked with great success. I beg of you to let your spirits rise.

My division at the present moment is able to release you, snatching you from the tiger's mouth. But the territory we control is small and restricted. I cannot guarantee your safety for a long period.

If you will request your consuls to send aeroplanes after your release to pick you up, and take you away to the rear, then my division can certainly save you. Regarding this matter, I am asking Miss Wang Juilan to find some way of getting into touch with you, and to make arrangements.

I respectfully hope that you will be able to carry this out, and send you all my good wishes,

Wang Shang chih, 33rd year of the Republic, fifth month, fourth day.